Shiraz Mayor: Shiraz Inked Co، op MOU with Novi Sad
به گزارش وبلاگ آقای رضایی، Tourismonline : A co-op MOU was inked between the municipalities of Shiraz and Novi Sad with the virtual presence of the mayors of these two cities and the ambassadors of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Serbia.

By: Homa Haseli
A co-op MOU was inked between the municipalities of Shiraz and Novi Sad with the virtual presence of the mayors of these two cities and the ambassadors of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Serbia, with the aim of deepening the good relations between the two friendly countries and cooperation and exchange of experience between the two cities in various fields of urban management such as culture, investment and tourism, Tourism Newspaper reported.
In the ceremony of inking this cooperation agreement, which was held in the presence of the ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Iran in the municipality of Shiraz, Mohammad Hassan Asadi ,the mayor of Shiraz ,expressed his appreciation for the presence of the ambassadors of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Serbia for providing the basis for this understanding, by enumerating the characteristics of Shiraz, including its ancient history and numerous capacities in terms of various aspects of tourism such as historical, cultural and medical, he said, Today, the agreement between Shiraz Metropolitan Municipality and Novi Sad is established in various fields, which is a serious capacity for Shirazs urban diplomacy in the international communication of urban management.
Explaining the background of the issue and signing the MOU for cooperation between the two cities in 2021, Mohammad Hassan Asadi stated, In Shiraz Municipality, we are pursuing the goal of reviving and strengthening existing ties with friendly and sister cities as well creating and expanding interactions with other cities of the world and prove this interaction in practice with executive measures.
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*Deepening the ties between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Serbia by inking the Shiraz-Novi Sad MOU
The mayor of Novi Sad also declared the numerous capacities of this city as a university city with capabilities in the fields of information technology and reminded that this city had been as the cultural capital of Europe in 2022.
Considering the multinational capacity and cultural commonality of Novi Sad city with the metropolis of Shiraz, the MOU will lead to economic trade exchanges and numerous projects in addition to synergy in various areas of urban management such as culture, According to Milan Jurichs statement.
*The turning point of the good relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Serbia with the Shiraz-Novi Sad MOU
The ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Serbia also said, This agreement and co-op document, in addition to strengthening the capacities of these two cities, is a turning point in the relations between the two countries, Iran and Serbia, which strengthens the relations between the two friendly countries.
Rashid Hasanpourbani pointed to the creation of different platforms through this synergy of urban capacity and emphasized on the stabilization and strengthening of these capacities.
*The presidents emphasis on the expansion of relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Serbia
The ambassador of Serbia to Iran also stated, this agreement will be not only between Shiraz and Novi Sad, but also between the two countries of Iran and Serbia in line with the emphasis of the presidents and the expansion of relations between the two countries of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Serbia.
Dragan Todorovic noted, the dimensions of this agreement are wide and from today we can try to develop relations between Shiraz and Novi Sad and between the two countries of Serbia and Iran from Shiraz in various fields and strengths.
Pointing out that we have different and good capacities in Shiraz, he expressed hope that this new way will be effective in the communication between the two friendly countries and the source of good events.
The ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Islamic Republic of Iran pointed to the fame of Shiraz and famous poets such as Hafez and Saadi in the Republic of Serbia and called for the strengthening of interactions between the two cities, which will strengthen the relations between the two countries.
According to this report, the so-called agreement will be a platform for cooperation in various fields of urban management such as culture, investment, information technology, tourism and exchange of experience including planning based on the capacities of the cities.
Novi Sad is the capital of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, the second largest city in the Republic of Serbia after Belgrade, and an important cultural center of this country, known as ‘Serbian Athens, which has been awarded the titles of European Youth Capital and European Cultural Capital in 2019 and 2022, respectively.
Novi Sad annually hosts prestigious international events in cultural fields such as literature, classical and folk music, film, childrens literature, theater and musical and puppet shows.
منبع: توریسم آنلاین